Morillo Gómez, Andrea Paola
Morillo Gómez, Mile Mayerlin
Torres Urbano, Diliam Carmenza
Ochoa Montes, Jorge Ernesto
Show full item recordRiesgos psicosociales en el recurso humano del Hospital José María Hernández (II Nivel) durante la emergencia sanitaria por Covid-19
El presente es un estudio de tipo descriptivo con un enfoque cuantitativo, tuvo como objetivo Identificar los riesgos psicosociales durante la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19 en el recurso humano del Hospital José María Hernández. Para la ejecución del estudio participaron 512 trabajadores. La recolección de la información se realizó aplicando la Batería de Instrumentos para la Evaluación de Factores de Riesgo Psicosocial (Resolución 2404 de 2019), este instrumento nos permitió identificar el riesgo psicosocial de los trabajadores basados en las condiciones intralaborales y extralaborales e individuales identificando factores de riesgo en las formas A y B. Los resultados concluyen que a nivel intralaboral la población a quienes se les aplicó el cuestionario FORMA A (trabajadores con personas a cargo y profesionales) el dominio Liderazgo y relaciones sobre el trabajo y el domino Demandas del trabajo fueron los que obtuvieron el mayor nivel de riesgo, para la población B (trabajadores administrativos y auxiliares) los dominios que son considerados un factor de riesgo son: Demanda sobre el trabajo y el dominio de recompensa. El entorno intralaboral no fue considerado como factor protector a diferencia del entorno extralaboral. En cuanto a los resultados obtenidos en el cuestionario para la evaluación del estrés se identificó un riesgo alto para la forma A y B.
This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach and its objective was to identify the psychosocial risks during the COVID-19 health emergency among the human resources of the José María Hernández Hospital. A total of 512 workers participated in the study. The collection of information was performed by applying the Battery of Instruments for the Evaluation of Psychosocial Risk Factors (Resolution 2404 of 2019), the questionnaire is applied in two forms A and B according to the study population and identifies four evaluation domains: demands of work, control over work, leadership, social relations and reward, each one with the respective dimensions that constitute the psychosocial factors evaluated, the battery are made by seven instruments in which the information is collected on intra-work, extra-work and individual conditions (demographic and occupational) and includes a questionnaire for the evaluation of stress, allowing to establish the presence or absence of intra- and extra-occupational psychosocial risk factors as well as the degree of risk on a five-level scale: no risk or negligible risk, low risk, medium risk, high risk and very high risk.
This instrument allowed us to identify the psychosocial risk of workers based on intralaboral and extralaboral and individual conditions identifying risk factors in the A and B forms. The results conclude that at the intralaboral level the population to whom the FORMA A questionnaire was applied (workers with dependents and professionals) the domain Leadership and relationships on the job and the domain Demands of the job were those that obtained the highest level of risk, for population B (administrative and auxiliary workers) the domains that are considered a risk factor are: Demands on the job and the reward domain. The intra-work environment was not considered a protective factor, unlike the extra-work environment. As for the results obtained in the stress evaluation questionnaire, a high risk was identified for form A and B.