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Title: Analysis of the main problems in manufacturing small and medium enterprises in Bogotá
Author(s): ; (2023-10-19)
Abstract: Academic and business sources point out as the main factors of the failure of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Colombia. 1. Business pride, 2. The difficulty of financial support from the government, 3. The ...
Title: Interrelation of the internal component of the operations in the hospital
Author(s): ; ; (2023-10-19)
Abstract: The objective was to analyze and identify the determining factors of the impact of the internal part of the hospital network in relation to the performance of tertiary hospitals in Bogotá. Several multi-criteria elements ...
Title: Impacto del liderazgo estratégico y de servicio en el desempeño de proyectos: modelo de medición para el mejoramiento en el rendimiento de proyectos
Author(s): ; ; (2023-10-19)
Abstract: El modelado con ecuaciones estructurales ha aportado grandes ventajas en el entendimiento del desempeño en proyectos, aunque de igual manera ha incrementado la complejidad con que los mismos son analizados, por tanto, esta ...
Title: Explanatory and predictive model for infrastructure dimensioning
Author(s): ; ; (2023-10-19)
Abstract: A procedure associated with infrastructures called Explanatory and Predictive Infrastructure Sizing Model is presented, the purpose of which is to carry out the study of infrastructures always following the same ...
Title: The relationship between project management, business model and business performance: a conceptual model
Author(s): ; (2023-10-19)
Abstract: Project management (PM) is a specialized discipline of management, which had its origins in the 1950s. It is currently a line of knowledge used in various fields of science and practice, especially in management, business, ...
Title: Analysis of the solidarity economy in rural tourism
Author(s): ; (2023-10-18)
Abstract: This article analyzes the development of rural community-based tourism based on a case study in the municipality of Sibaté in the department of Cundinamarca, Colombia. The objective of this article is to identify the ...
Title: Marketing strategies implemented by micro, small and medium enterprises in violent and insecure environments, Guerrero, Mexico.
Author(s): ; ; ; (2023-10-17)
Abstract: Guerrero was located as one of the most violent states in the Mexican Republic, with a population of 3,533,251 people [14], insecurity and violence affected the business sector, increasing expenses to protect themselves, ...
Title: Methodology with analysis of factors that integrate the balanced centrality and co-creation of value at restaurants in Puebla
Author(s): ; ; (2023-10-18)
Abstract: Service research stand out the value co-creation studies because they provide a new paradigm in the service management and marketing literatura. Unfortunately, most of these studies are limitedto dyadic relationships. ...
Title: Creation of an academic social network to promote learning in university students
Author(s): (2023-10-17)
Abstract: The use of social networks has spread in such a way that today these spaces have millions of users around the world and have become interesting tools for analysis at various levels and areas, not only entertainment. ...
Title: Organizational ambidexterity: a dual approach to value creation
Author(s): ; ; (2023-10-18)
Abstract: Organizational ambidexterity emerges as a design model for dual organizational structures for innovation, to improve the company's innovative capabilities. Hence, an ambidextrous organization is conceived as one that ...
Title: Gobernanza y desempeño de proyectos de tecnologías de la Información en Colombia
Author(s): ; ; (2023-10-17)
Abstract: En esta investigación se analizó el desempeño de los proyectos de Tecnologías de la Información (TI) bajo la métrica tradicional de evaluar si el proyecto cumple con el cronograma, si está dentro del presupuesto, dentro ...
Title: Financial analysis of the agricultural sector in Santander 2020-2021
Author(s): ; ; (2023-10-17)
Abstract: In the new global economy, the agricultural sector has become a central issue for the development of the regions. The aim of this research is to carry out a financial study of the main asset accounts , liabilities, ...
Title: Financial evolution of the Santander's manufacturing sector between 2016 and 2021
Author(s): ; (2023-10-17)
Abstract: In the history of economic development in Santander, manufacturing participates a critical role, according to the departmental economic and commercial profile offered by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Tourism ...
Title: Integrated model towards transformational leadership for the management of research projects in the Minuto de Dios University Corporation - UNIMINUTO
Author(s): (2023-10-17)
Abstract: The research developed an integrated model towards transformational leadership, for the Management of Research Projects in the Minuto de Dios University Corporation - UNIMINUTO. For the elaboration of the instrument " ...
Title: Influence of organizational culture on the perception of gender equality in the divisions of the National Army
Author(s): (2023-10-17)
Abstract: This research stems from the interest of addressing the impact of the role of women in the Colombian military context. A transactional methodology with a mixed approach was designed, taking the principles of Denison and ...
Title: Oportunidades comerciales para el licenciamiento de patentes mexicanas en el área farmacéutica
Author(s): ; (2023-10-17)
Abstract: En el transcurso del tiempo, las empresas mexicanas han dedicado los esfuerzos en la adquisición y adopciónde tecnología desarrollada por organizaciones extranjeras, debidoa que éstas son las principales generadoras de ...
Title: Evolución del liderazgo y su papel protagónico en la dirección de las organizaciones
Author(s): ; ; (2023-10-17)
Abstract: Este artículo presenta una revisión teórica de la evolución histórica del liderazgo, desde su concepción hasta su progreso actual y cómo a través de la historia se ha convertido en un fenómeno social estudiado desde ...
Title: Caracterización y análisis de las oficinas de gestión de proyectos en Colombia
Author(s): (2023-10-17)
Abstract: El presente trabajo de investigación desarrolló una detallada caracterización de las Oficinas de Gerencia de Proyectos (PMOs por su sigla en inglés) en Colombia. Inicialmente, un meticuloso análisis cientométrico fue ...
Title: Metodología CRISP-DM en la gestión de proyecto de Data Mining. Caso enfermedades dermatológicas
Author(s): ; (2023-10-17)
Abstract: Hoy en día todas las organizaciones y/o empresas almacenan una gran cantidad de información, que ha llegado a exceder la habilidad del personal para analizar, resumir e interpretar los datos, dando lugar a la técnica ...
Title: Propuesta metodológica para la implementación de los SGSST en mipymes del sector primario colombiano: caso empresa panelera
Author(s): ; ; (2023-10-17)
Abstract: Los sistemas de seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SG SST) son procesos lógicos desarrollados en etapas que se implementan en las empresas con el fin de minimizar los incidentes y accidentes de trabajo como las enfermedades ...