Méndez Martínez, Cesar Augusto
Cardozo Rodríguez, Andrés David
Moreno Ceballos, Haidy Johanna
Show full item recordPlan de fortalecimiento de la cultura organizacional de la subgerencia económica de Transmilenio S.A. a partir de la adopción del Teletrabajo durante la pandemia Covid-19
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general diseñar un plan de fortalecimiento de la Cultura Organizacional de la Subgerencia Económica de Transmilenio S.A. que tomó como base las mediciones de Cultura Organizacional realizadas antes y durante la pandemia Covid-19 para con ello formular acciones que estuviesen alineadas con la estrategia corporativa y que permitieran a través de indicadores realizar un seguimiento y monitoreo al plan de fortalecimiento.
Para plantear el objetivo general se tomaron en consideración las nuevas tendencias y modelos de Cultura Organizacional propuestos por investigadores a raíz de la pandemia del Covid-19 y la adopción de la modalidad del teletrabajo como solución al distanciamiento social. De este modo, se examinaron los retos que la pandemia trajo consigo para los líderes y colaboradores de las empresas y que los llevó a modificar las formas de relacionarse entre sí, probar nuevas rutas para la ejecución de sus actividades; a su vez, alterando hábitos, costumbres, rutinas y, finalmente, modificando la cultura organizacional de las empresas.
Como resultado de esta investigación se propone el diseño del plan que llevará al fortalecimiento de la Cultura Organizacional de la Subgerencia Económica de Transmilenio S.A. a partir de la adopción del teletrabajo y el mecanismo que permitirá el seguimiento y monitoreo a dicho plan.
The general objective of this research is to design a plan to strength the organizational culture of the Transmilenio’s Economic Sub-manager's office based on the organizational culture measurements made before and during the Covid-19 pandemic in order to formulate actions aligned with the corporate strategy and that allows, through the use of some indicators, to monitor and to keep track of the plan.
To propose the general objective some considerations were taken, like new trends and models of Organizational Culture proposed by researchers as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the adoption of telecommute as a solution to the social distancing. In doing so we reviewed some of the challenges that the pandemic brought to companies' leaders and collaborators and what did they have to modify in their daily routines and habits that finally impacted the organizational culture.
As the result of this research, we suggest the design of the plan to strength the organizational culture of the Transmilenio’s Economic Sub-manager's office starting from the adoption of telecommute and the mechanism to track and monitor that plan.
To propose the general objective some considerations were taken, like new trends and models of Organizational Culture proposed by researchers as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the adoption of telecommute as a solution to the social distancing. In doing so we reviewed some of the challenges that the pandemic brought to companies' leaders and collaborators and what did they have to modify in their daily routines and habits that finally impacted the organizational culture.
Among the most relevant results, we confirmed that there are indeed some dimensions that require special attention from the Transmilenio’s Economic Sub-manager's office and that it is important (and advisable) to design a plan that strengthens these dimensions of the organizational culture in accordance with the strategic plan of the company, as well as establishing indicators that allow follow-up and monitoring of the strengthening plan.